About us

Company profile

Shanghai Silian is located in Sijing Economic Developing Zone of Songjiang District in Shanghai, with a covering area of about 180 000 square meter. Shanghai Silian is a private enterprise with a histrory of nearly 40 years. Shanghai Silian is a fine chemical complex manufacturer with 4 subsidiaries producing chemical reagents, organic pigments, printing ink and pigment preparation for textile printing, annual production capacity is about 60 000 tons. 


Silian Brand ink is mainly based on sheet-fed offset printing ink, annual production capacity of more than 16 000 tons. Silian Brand pigment preparation has an annual production capacity of more than 20 000 tons, which is a kind of water based pigment dispersion mainly for textile printing and dyeing, it also can be used as coloring agent for linen, wool, leather, interior-wall paint, synthetic detergents, cosmetics and paper pulp, etc. With its core technology and good service, the products of printing ink, pigment preparation, organic pigments and chemical reagents have very good market reputation in its fields. Shanghai Silian has participated in drafting national and industrial standards for pigment preparation.

A fine chemical manufacturer of Pigment Preparation , Pinting Ink , Organic Pigments and Chemical Reagents 

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